As you all know, I am a huge nail polish fan. I wanted to talk about the changes I have seen in nail polish over the past year. There are many ways that you can decorate your nails yourself, but I had never thought that a nail polish could do the decorating for you.
The idea of making nail polish with glitter and metallic was very clever and a huge hit. Now they have come out with shatter nail polish. You can find it in almost every brand now. Whether you want the OPI polish or a polish that is a little cheaper, such as Revlon.
After the shatter style became big, they came out with the magnetic polish. Although this polish is taking a little more time to become a must have for everyone and every brand, it is still a very cool idea.
The latest nail polish style that I just discovered today is the newest. It is by OPI and is called Spotted. The picture below is what it looks like. I think it is extremely cool, and have no idea of how they created it. It reminds me of finger prints in an investigation scene or movie. I cannot wait to get my hands on this product and will be happy to show you all pictures of my own experience and let you know how I like it.
