So today's blog is going to be about my absolute favorite nail polishes and what I use to decorate my nails. Be warned... I have a ton! Nail polish is one of my favorite things in the entire world, since it is fashion/beauty related. It is a great way to express yourself and just have fun, well.... being you!!! With nail polish the possibilities are endless. Since I am definitely not very good at designing my nails, I purchased items to help me be able to have professional-looking nails. I absolutely love every single one of the products that I use, and I strongly recommend them. With all of that said, let's get started.
First things first, you have to have nail polish colors you are in love with. I love the brands Sinful Colors and N.Y.C., as well as O.P.I (even though I have only bought one or two of the O.P.I. because they are expensive) and L.A. Colors. Below are the pictures of my favorite colors of nail polish including the prices and where you can find them. Just so you all know, when I list the names, they are starting with the polish on the left going to the polish to the right of it.
These are my favorite Sinful Colors nail polishes. The names of them are Purple Diamond (102), Love Nails (282), Dream On (113), Hottie (831), and Pink Forever (313). All of these colors can be purchased at Walgreens for $1.99. Also wanted to let you all know that the color Dream
On (113) is alot more purple than it looks. On the right is a picture of the color that will show you how it really looks. (Sorry, my lighting was bad on my picture.) Look how cute her nails are!
Now for my favorite NYC colors. (This is the largest group of them all) Cashmere Creme (124), Fuchsia Shock Creme (111), Big Money Frost (118), Charming Rose Creme (126A), Black Lace Creme (119), Pier 17 (208), Pink Promenade Creme (109A), Starry Silver Glitter (105), and Taxi Yellow Creme (114). These are all $.94 at Target.
This is my one and only O.P.I nail polish. I am in love with this color! By far my favorite neutral nail polish. Anyways, this one is Got A Date To Knight (R46). I think that the names of O.P.I's nail polishes are super cute. They put soooo much thought into each and every one of them that lets you know how good of a nail polish brand they are. You can find these at Ulta for $8.50 or at a local salon. Find one near you by going to their website.
These are my favorite LA Colors...... well colors! The first one, as well as the last one is by their Color Craze collection, which are great colors for Spring, but sadly they are not named. If you know the names of those two, then please put it in the comments below. Anyways, the second one is Bright Pink (388) and the third one is Amethyst (386). I love this brand and the bottles sort of resemble the O.P.I. bottles, right? You can find these at Walgreens and buy them for $1.99 each.
Now, I have my favorite Art Deco nail polish colors. This is a must have for anyone who LOVES to decorate their nails. They are great for doing stripes, since they have such a thing wand thingy majig. These colors are Intense Pink (513), Blue Glitter (508), and Magenta (514). I bought mine at the Dollar Tree for...... you will never guess how much....... $1.00 each. (Duh!)
Last but not least, the trick to perfect looking professional nails, my Konad Kit. This is one of the best things I have ever purchased. I bought everything through Amazon, separately. I spent a total of about $25.00 for everything. The only thing that I wish I had not bought was the scraper, but oh well. Oh, and you do not have to buy the Konad brand nail polish. Any thick, one coat, nail polish works just as well. Trust me, this is absolutely amazing!!!!! Here is the link to buy the plates..... These are by far the most expensive part. Bundle Monster allows you to pay by credit card, or you can search the product name on Amazon and pay through there. The price of these are $17.99 and I wanted to let all of you all know that they have promo codes, so check out their facebook page.
Now you know all of my tricks to professional nails and my favorite nail polishes. Again, I strongly recommend everything to everyone. I love these products and I know all of you all will love them to. Do not forget to leave a comment telling me if you like any of these products, if you know the names to the two Sinful Colors nail polishes, and if you know any Bundle Monster promo codes.