Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year = New You


So A new year is almost here and now is a better time than any to change up your style. Try to be a little more daring by maybe changing your eyeliner colors. This can help you be a little more fun and daring with your look starting with a small thing and getting bigger.

Another thing you can test out is mixing patterns. This can be tough and turn out tragic if not done right. For some help look into magazines. I enjoy watching my favorite beauty gurus on Youtube for advice. Find someone who you find fun to watch and who has great tips and check into their videos every now and then.

Comment below and let us know what your New Years resolution is for 2013!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quick Tip


The quick tip I have today is if you want a brighter, wider looking eye take any white eyeshadow and dab it in your inner corner. I recommend using the color Linen by Maybelline. This shadow has a hint of glitter which will catch the light, resulting in the illusion of a wider and brighter eye.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!
